MindsLink Podcast

In this podcast we will talk everything about neurodiversity from Autism & ADHD to Relationships and Social Interactions. I am a mother of two neurodiverse children and I hope I can provide you with useful information and advise. We are an ordinary family going through the same journey and struggles. Join us for a casual, funny, informative and supportive podcast!

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Ep 6. An interview with Angel.

Thursday Mar 04, 2021

Thursday Mar 04, 2021

On this episode I have no other than my big amazing boy!!Angel opens up about his ASD and ADHD, the struggles and how far he has come, he shares what is making him braver and his thoughts on COVID and people who do not believe about COVID.
Also I instroduce our begining of the Essential Oil Journey, why I decided to start using them and how it's helping everyone in the house.
Hope you enjoy it!

Monday Feb 01, 2021

In this episode I got the chance to have a real, honest and open conversation with J from The Ausome Show. We talked about the importance of parent's involvement in the ldevelopment of their ASD children, the stigma surrounding ASD and the pain we go through as parents.
It's a long episode, but it is worth every single sencond of it. Dont miss it!

Saturday Oct 31, 2020

In today's episode I decided to talk about how its been this past year, from one halloween to another and what has changed in our lives. Diagnosis, school,neighbors, society and much more.

Thursday Sep 10, 2020

This episode is very personal as I talk about my struggles on becoming an autism parent. I discuss how I viewed myself and my feelings, how I came to terms about my child's diagnosis , the struggle with my mental health and how I manage to be fine with the past and how I view my future
A personal and emotional episode, but one you do not want to skip.

Episode 2. Life with Kalel

Thursday Aug 13, 2020

Thursday Aug 13, 2020

In this episode you will discover our journey with Kalel, the lowest point in our lives and where we stand now. You will discover all the characteristics that drove me to get an assessment for him and how we have overcome the obstacles. This is just an introduction to Kalel, there is still so much more to discover.

Thursday Aug 13, 2020

In todays's episode I will discuss a little about our journey and how we got here. Also you will discover the reason behind the podcast and what next for us.

Release Date

Monday Jul 27, 2020

Monday Jul 27, 2020

I am very excited to announce the release date of MindsLink Podcast.
Make sure you subscribe so you wont miss the release and every new episode!
Cant wait for you to listen to our first episode!!!

Natalia Figueroa Castilla

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